Thursday, March 29

Baby's first Soccer game


Will went to his first soccer game on Tuesday night. He got to see a tied game that went into overtime and then a shoot out! Our team won 5-3! He is a pretty good good luck charm. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 27

What shall we do next?

My sister is a master of t-shirt creation. So for a shower gift she made onesies for baby. Now that my 11 lb 7 oz baby is growing out of his clothes very quickly, she has offered to make more...

What shall we put on them?

Current repertoire:

I love my Auntie Sheri
I love my Auntie Deva
Soccer Star

From Tony (at Dan's office):
Metallica (logo)
My daddy is smarter than yours

Any suggestions on the new batch?

Monday, March 26

Baby Will arrives

Well, I haven't blogged since October. Teaching, being pregnant, and blogging didn't all seem to want to happen at the same time. I also blogged while I waited on Dan to get home and he has swapped his schedule so he goes early and comes home early. That affected my blogging regularity...

Then came the second dilemma. Did I really want a 'mommy-blog'? How many people would really want to read posts about my child and how wonderful and cute he is? But I have had more than one person ask when I'm posting pictures of the baby so here goes...

First post:

Here is a link to my picasa album where you can knock yourselves out with pictures from the first month...more to follow.