Saturday, April 9

Worried students

I love giving out grades . Every time I give out grades I have these students that panic "What you mean I have a 21 in your class? Why did you give me a 21? I do all your work?" Let me reinterate that I don't give grades. I have found out that some teachers do, in fact, make up grades as they go along. However I base my grades purely on what the kiddos did. I don't even have a participation element. Secondly, if they had actually "done all the work" then they would have a blank bottom half of the page where the missing tasks go.

Yesterday I gave out grades, I have about 75% of my students failing because I gave a test grade for memorizing Mark Antony's funeral speech. A lot of them blew it off. So I had 3 kids stay after yesterday for tutoring. . .on Friday. . . I don't stay on Fridays. I ran home cleaned up and two of our friends came over with their new baby. So I got to play with the baby all night and chat with Sarah, while Dan and Scott look on for a job for Scott when they move out to North Carolina last month. Far too much excitement for a Friday. . I'm tired!

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