Saturday, January 21

First Ammendment

We have been having the interesting debate at school about students and their blogs (Xangas specifically). I was sent this article through NCTE

Basically it talks about a school in DC who have concequences for those who post "inappropriate material" on their blogs. All the stuff I tell them not to write in the TAKS essays: getting drunk, their intimate relationships, etc. I printed it out for a friend who used it as her lesson on Friday with a lot of the seniors that have Xangas.

The comments from the teachers included:
"Yeah, they can post anything they want, they just need to know there are consequences."
"They have to realize that other people can see what they are writing."

I really lean towards we should just leave them alone. But truthfully there have been those who were fired for what was on their blog. For better or worse, should we teach appropriate use before these kids could get in *real* trouble?

Well that's the arguement. What do you think?
Here's a link to random high school blogs so you can get a feel. Not my kids obviously since I'm trying to be better about being more vague. :)

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