Friday, July 7

Weekend Plans

This weekend we are going to Teotihuacán ...not sure I´m spelling that i wasn´t.  I went and checked.  Basically Mexico´s pyramids....It should be really really cool.
I hope everyone is doing ok!  I´m great here.  Dan comes to visit next Thursday for a long weekend.  We are looking forward to visiting D.F. (Mexico City).


Sher said...

Yeah, well, I'm going to the Rangers game tonight...So neiner! (pronounced Knee-ner) Sounds like fun! Can you post pics there?

PS - Mam and Pap got a puppy.

~lynnie said...

good for you! sorry we missed taking you to the other game cause you were out of town...maybe dan will get more tickets for later in the season.

i heard about Buddy...i also heard they are on the lookout for a playpen for him...

Sher said...

Yes, mom is going to get Buddy a playpen. I wish mine and mine two would stay in a play pen.