Sunday, May 20

Big baby

While Dan is watching Survivorman on Discovery recreate a version of Hatchet, I will use this opportunity to post to my blog...that no one reads cause I never post. :)

Will is fairly fussy today. I think he has gas on his tummy. But he has been very very good lately. We weighed him this afternoon and he was 15.8 lbs according to the handy packing scale we use to ship books on Amazon. Don't worry we put a blanket on it and tared the scale first.

For Mother's Day we took him to the zoo...with all the rest of the mothers, the zoo was packed.

He seemed to really enjoy it.

School gets out on Friday. Graduation is Thursday. Prom was last night. This is my last week in Texas. I'm kinda sad, but it will be good to be back in Mississippi.


Sher said...

Your last week in Texas? Is there something you aren't telling me?

~lynnie said...

um, oops. i meant in texas in school. :)