School's out! For a few days anyway. I only took off one 1/2 day this semester and I am really, really ready to have a break. I have too many kids to just "send them to the library" when I am out so I just didn't take off. In retrospect, I need to find a solution to that because everyone needs a break every now and then.
Dan is gone to NCTE in Philadelphia. Nana and Pop took Will to Wiggins to a car show. It has been just Maggie and me since Thursday. The first night was fine, the second night she wanted me to hold her and that seems to be holding true for today, Saturday. We are going to one of my student's quincenera tonight. I will probably have to go around bedtime so she can get a good nights rest in before church tomorrow. I have nursery duty during the 9:30 service.
On a funny note, we got Will's Christmas present in the mail.
As I said, it was Will's present, but so far, Maggie loves it. Our is a little different than the picture. It has a chicken instead of the frog in the barn loft. It plays music and, were I to take it out of the box, it lets you change out he pieces for the barn door and plays animal sounds or makes comments like, "Did you know that milk comes from cows? Moo!" I think Will is going to like it too. I hope he doesn't mind Maggie playing with him!
1 comment:
Yeah! I love it when you blog! I think both kids will love this present.
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