Sunday, March 5

students at work

Today I was talking with another teacher from school and she was saying our students are always really excited to see us outside of school. This is really true, they come up to you and start grinning, etc.

Last night Dan & I went to Sundance, cause it was warm and I like walking around. We went to eat at Riscky's and then went to Barnes and Noble's. My son is working at Riscky's now. He is one of the food runners. We went in last night and I pointed him out to Dan. We waited on our food. When he brought it out Dan was sitting there, just smiling at him. You could tell he was thrown off. After an incredibly long pause Dan glances at me and H looks over and smiles and says "Hey Miss." I asked him how he was doing. All this time he started to blush. I can't say I've ever seen the child blush. He doesn't usually get get embarrassed about anything. I also waved at, though didn't speak to, another one of my students who works there.

Then we went to B&N and I saw a student from my 2nd period who came up and spoke to me. Said he was there with his sister and I told him he should get a book too. :) But I realized it does give me some credibility as a teacher who says they read a lot to actually be *seen* at a bookstore. Cool huh? This is a kid who barely speaks to me at class and is incredibly shy and came up to me in public? Kinda proud of that.

At B&N I got a book journal that you can put a synopsis of what you read and refer back to it. The only drawback is that it is titled "Book Lust" which makes me hesitate in taking it to school. There are a number of things you don't say around high school kids, "lust" is one of those words. :)

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