Wednesday, September 27


Wow. This year has flown by. Our first writing camp is Wednesday. I guess today since it is 3:29 and I can't sleep. We are taking the senior re-testers who get to take their next test on October 17. I think we have a real good chance this year of quite a few of them passing in October. Last year it was more like 15%...I'm hoping for closer to 40-50%. The statistics say that every time you re-test 30% of re-takers will pass. I need more than that this time.

I think they are way more motivated than last year's group and they definitely have had all the advantages. We have tracked this group since they were sophomores, put 100+ of them in an extra English class last year and hounded them all summer to take the test. I had a kid yesterday who said to me, "Ms. I just realized that I could have taken the test this summer without studying." This student works and couldn't go to the study class so I told him just to take off mornings that one week of summer and take the test. It couldn't hurt. This week, with needing to pass all 4 tests still, he just realized that he might have gotten lucky and passed one of them if he showed up. Sometimes I just wonder....

I have 3 of my new teachers helping with writing camp. I am not at all concerned about their ability, but I am afraid that I am throwing them out there without a lot of preparation. We haven't really gone over how to teach a TAKS essay yet. I have given examples, explained the concept, but I hope it is enough. I'll find out. The kids will tell me if the teacher was confused. They have done this before, again and again.

On a side note, my 7th period class, hellions that they are, might actually learn how to behave. Now, that isn't set in stone. They still won't sit in any type of assigned seat, but they will be quiet to listen to instruction for about 20 min at a time. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten them so that they will be quiet during individual or group work. We are still working on that. I may have to read every story out loud for the rest of the semester. Then I'm praying for some schedule changes in January. Oh, but I won't be there but for 6 weeks, then I'm out for 6 weeks with the baby! That will be nice. No 7th period for a month and 1/2!

1 comment:

Adventurous Twenty-Something said...

Hey girl! Sounds like you are quite busy. I want to send your photo cd before I forget about it, so when you get a chance, email me your mailing address. Thanks!