Thursday, April 12


Well I went to 3 interviews so far. All very promising. 1 pure ESL job, 1 job at the reservation so there are ESL concerns, 1 job where there is no ESL trained English teacher, but increasing numbers of ESL kids and 1 just English job at a school that is doing smaller learning communities. 2 are in town, 1 is an hour & 1/2 away and 1 is 3 hours away....we will see.

Baby Will got hungry yesterday cause i wasnt there to feed him. His Pop found out that he doesn't particularly care for orange flavored Pedialyte. But, he didn't starve or cry uncontrollably until I came home. He also spent the night with Nana and Pop in their bedroom. He was a very good boy and slept from 9 until 3. Then he didn't fuss while Nana warmed up his bottle. I am proud of him.

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