Sunday, January 15

i can see the fisheys in the water

Dan successfully cleaned out the goldfish pond yesterday. We drained all the water and scooped out the sludge and leaves. Then we pressured washed it, thanks to the pressure washer Dad gave us one time because "it comes in handy." Now it is very pretty and clear. There is a little bit of residue, but we think that the filter should take care of that...and we got blue water tint so it will be slightly blue also. We counted our fish (because we had to take them out to drain the water) and we have 13. They seem to have all survived, even though a couple of them got bopped in the head by a shovel.

I seemed to have misplaced my digital camera so I only have pictures on my cell phone and don't really know how to get them off. Maybe one of my students can tell me.

We are going to Target right now to get the rest of the stuff together and because I love Target. Not Target in general, just the brand new one downtown between my house and school. That one is great, convenient and handy.


Sher said...

Are those the original fish? Those things are still alive?

~lynnie said...

Are they still alive??? They are thriving. We bought 0.12 & 0.26 goldfish and now they are all about 3-4 inches long! We have 13 all together.

We went and bought a koi yesterday (small, cheap one) and 3 catfish to eat the stuff off the bottom of the pond.

Sher said...

I am glad that you can keep fish alive! I have not been successful in that avenue yet!