Friday, March 25

Ghetto slang

In the school that I am at there is the eternal debate about whether you provide paper and pencils for the students or whether you make them bring their own or suffer. (The logic is that if you make them suffer then really *you* are the one suffering because they can't do any work.) So I, being the entergetic, naive, first year teacher that I am bought a box of golf pencils at the beginning of the year and told them to get a pencil anytime they didn't have one. The first box lasted 6 weeks, as did the second and third. Now I am halfway through the 5th six weeks and they have finished off the third box for the semester. That roughly comes to 43 pencils going missing every week. Now I will admit that many of my pencils leave with the students. But 43 a week! No complaints, I started it so I guess I'll go buy another box this weekend.

On to the reason why I posted this. . .I was going to point out to my students in what I thought was a shocking way that my pencils have repeatedly gone missing. So all day yesterday when they asked to have a pencil I told them that they had all been "jacked." 1st period I did this off the cuff to be funny. . .no one said anything or cracked a smile. All day long no one even made mention of the fact that I just said "jacked" in a sentence without even a cracked smile. Only last week when I explained "mistress" to mean "sancha/sancho" they had looks of shock and amazement. Usually I don't get that much street cred with my classes. It is slightly disturbing.

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