Tuesday, July 4

new shoes

On Thursday we are going to go to the Volkswagon plant and I have to wear closed toe shoes.  I didn´t bring closed toe shoes.  I wear my Birkenstocks all the time.  There is no need.  I made sure that every outfit I brought would be ok with them then I only brought those and a pair of dress sandals.
So I went and bought a pair of mexican tennis shoes (http://www.charly.com.mx/).  I think they are pretty nice.   they are brown leather-ish with pink stripes and elastic instead of shoelaces.  Very cool I think.  Way more trendy than I usually go for.  However, I think they will be fine.  They go with jeans so I think that I´m ok.  I paid a little less than $30 for them at full price in the nice stores.  Sheri, how much would a pair of tennis shoes be in the states?
Once again, if anyone wants anything in Mexico, let me know.

1 comment:

Sher said...

buying shoes overseas is the best! I have pink ones from England and silver ones from italy. Those shoes would cost A LOT more in American than there. You got a good deal! It's dark and rainy here...Yuck!