Friday, April 6

Adventures as of late

Will is getting very, very big. I'm guessing close to 13 lbs now. He can still wear most of his 3 month clothes...the 6 month clothes are still pretty big on him, but the time is coming. It is kinda sad that baby clothes only really *fit* for about a week or so. The rest of the time they are way too big or too small.

Last night Dan and I, not wanting to cook and not wanting pizza, tried out a service we knew about but had never taken advantage of. Entrees on Trays (cute name huh). We got Indian food. It was tasty. I had tandoori because it tends to be less greasy and grease is what kills Indian food for me. Really I like the rice and meat...most of the vegetables aren't my thing. Six weeks in India kinda killed the taste for me. I wasn't wild on Indian food before that. But there are a few things I like: palaak paneer, naan (preferably buttered), tandoori anything...saffron rice...Ok, that is about it. I lost 6 lbs in India when everyone else gained weight. Of course my triad walked about 5 miles a day...probably more.

I finally got ahold of my principal today to tell her that I am applying for jobs in MS. She was ok. I mean, it isn't like I'm the best teacher in the world and the school will fall apart without me. But I really, really hated to do that.


Sher said...

When did you start blogging again?

~lynnie said...

lately....i'm still trying to get back in the swing.