Monday, May 16

Missed Pop Culture

The other day I was at our planning meeting for the Harashin Japan trip this summer that I'm co-sponsoring. The kids were considering doing the Macarena as their entertainment for the Mayor, Japanese Businessmen and Mr. Hara himself. (They ended up going with a hick rendition of Deep in the Heart of Texas. . . which I actually had learn the words to.)

The whole thing made me realize something. See, the Macarena was one of the things I "missed" being out of the country. Came back and it was this huge fad and I had never heard a word about it. You miss a lot of things when you are out of the country. It is funny how much pop culture is shared in the two months or so that I've ever been away. Does anyone have a story of something they "missed" when they were away?

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