Thursday, June 2

What did you read in High school?

Ok, quiz. What did you read in high school that you:
a) liked
b) stuck with you
c) have shared with others since then.

I want to include stories that are more of a classic nature...but I don't want to bore my kids with Old Man and the Sea, Tale of Two Cities (though I liked it) and Hound of the Baskervilles. Ok, now I am going to tirades that these are three of the most influential books in someone's life, but I want to fight that battle?

Instead, what did you read that stuck with you, that you liked? Short stories, novels or novellas. I have no curriculum so I'm making it up as I go along. I have money to buy stuff too! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I read Paradise Lost, but maybe I'm a little weird there. :)

Faulkner's The Reivers (it wasn't required for everybody; I wrote a paper on it) is, I think, a really good introduction to everybody's favorite Mississippi writer. It's a very straightforwardly-told quest story, and in some places is simply hilarious.

I also liked Ellison's Invisible Man, but maybe that's a bit heavy. How old are these kids?

Anything by Jules Verne, but particularly The Mysterious Island.