Thursday, June 2

Catching up

Ok, It is currently 4:50 am. I have been awake since 3:30. I feel like I'm jetlagging, however I'm not so i know I will pay for this tomorrow. I can't figure out what the problem is: i went to bed at 10 (normal), didn't take a nap, don't feel sick or anything like that. . . who knows. but regardless i'm up so i'll take advantage of my time.

Joys of my life right now:
-We failed the national AYP standards last year for LEP (limited English proficient) students last year so we are currently at inservice all week to learn how to teach them. Our contracts ended Friday at 3. We aren't finished till this Friday at noon. :) But lots of people need this stuff so i'll just stick with it.
-I'm teaching literary genres - 110.51 next year. . . sounds like a fancy advanced course doesn't it? :) nope, it isn't. actually is the TAKS (state standardized test) remediation for those juniors who have to start passing this february or they won't get a diploma. it is a reading class...i really love teaching writing better. It is going to be all the students that are reluctant, not sucessful students, but actually i really like teaching those (why is that when i was actually the opposite that all these kids were when i was in school?). Bonus: I get to teach TWO Reading I classes in language center (immigrant students on their 3 year phase in plan back to regular classes - Reading I is for 9th graders. Usually their 2nd year in the US). And I am teaching one or two literary genres just for ex-language center students. Don't get me wrong, I think it will be fun. . I'm just going to miss writing.
-The students arrive from Japan on July 16. 9 days. Leave on 23rd. We leave on July 26 and return on August 4. Getting close.

There, now everyone is caught up. For the summer, since I am reading masses of books, I think I'm going to share all the Young Adult novels that I'm reading. Some of them are quite good. Some aren't. If anyone runs across something that HS students would read (interesting, low reading level (6-8 grade), not too many pages 100-150/175) let me know. i have gotta find things to read as a class and stuff to recommend individually.

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