Tuesday, December 27

Christmas at the Pape house

My parents have taken off the week between Christmas and New Year's. Amazingly, since they hardly even take off work on the weekends. Of course today they went on 3 service calls and spent the morning at the shop, but still.

What have we done over Christmas? Had multiple parties: Dad's company Christmas party (which I missed most of cause I hadn't gotten over the crud yet), Family Christmas party at Aunt Gloria's on Christmas Eve and then Christmas day we ate the tamales that one of the guys that works for Dad gave him for Christmas and an enchilada experiment that I made. I probably wouldn't have attempted it but it was just going to be for mom, dad, Dan, Sheri and Joey....then Mammaw and Pappaw, Eddie's family, Aunt Leisa and my cousin Derek all ended up there too. I don't make terribly authentic enchiladas, I always do it wrong. But they ended up ok. Martha saved me by knowing how to make sour cream enchiladas and made those also.

Yesterday we went shopping at the mall and ate dinner with a friend of Dan's. then today we went shopping again. Best thing today was that we got to go and eat at El Sombrero's in Clinton, which I probably ate at 2-3 times a week in college. I had missed it terribly. Silly huh? I live in Fort Worth and can have much better Mexican food and I end up craving El Sombrero. But you know? It was good.

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