Thursday, July 13

The place I went yesterday

The thing about listening to Spanish all the time and not reading it is that sometimes I can´t really repeat the words correctly.  I am a visual learner if there ever was one.  I can´t remember anything that I don´t see written down, though i can remember pretty well if I stare at something for a minute.  As such, I don´t really remember the name of the place that I went yesterday...but it was really cool.
We started by going to a set of temple\pyramids that are in pretty good shape. Two of them you could climb.  One was very unique because it was built in a spiral.  They have erected a cross on top of it now and tie a person on it as a representation of Jesus for Good Friday.  The other was just a straight pyramid, but at the top they had relics of volcanic rock that had been some type of structure on top.  They reconstructed one bit of it and it looked a bit like stonehenge, but much smaller.  That is the idea anyway.
Then we went to the largest archeological roof in the world.  It covers a pyramid that has intact murals with the colors that are SO bright.  It was really amazing.  Our guide showed us the plant that they used to get the reds and blues.  The reds come from the insect larvae that lives on the plants, the blues come from a stone...I think lapis probably.  It is that shade of blue.  I got some pictures but it was starting to get dark and come a storm so I don´t know how well they will turn out.
It was gorgeous though.  I really liked it.  Incredibly cool and interesting in a historical way.  I promise to post pictures when I get back.  I have taken this insane number so far (like 200 nearly) and my friend Christina and are going to swap photos when we get back so that will probably double....


Sher said...

Are you really learning anything? or just touring the country?

~lynnie said...

ok, now that hurts! i figure it is infinitely more interesting to hear about the things i do than that I sit in class for 4 hours a day and then talk to a guide in spanish for 2 hours in the afternoon! However, I will try to throw in that I am actually learning some spanish.