Saturday, June 10

Lazy bum

I slept till 9 this morning....I am such a lazy bum.

Many exciting things going on. For instance the janitors have moved *most* of my stuff (all the boxes, not all the tables, chairs, etc. down the hall to my new room. I'm not complaining cause (now don't tell anyone this!) I should really be in the portables with the other elective teachers...but my friend who got the new position as instructional assistant is influencing the room assignments strongly and told me to just not say anything. :) I may have to hire some cross-country boys to help unpack my room though. There is no way that I will have enough time to get everything unpacked before school starts without help.

Also, I am going to go to Mexico to study Spanish this summer. I am going to the Spanish Institute of Puebla. from June 25-July 22. Anybody want me to bring them something back from Mexico?

Lastly, tonight I get to go to a quincenera. It should be a lot of fun. One of the ladies from school is going with me cause I don't know much Spanish (yet!). A quincenera is basically a cross between a 15 year old birthday party and a coming out party. I've always wanted to go to one and one of my 9th graders invited me this year. It should be really cool.

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