Tuesday, July 4

Le fin de semana 1

Well, I created this yesterday and it disappeared....how sad.  So I´m starting over...
This weekend I went to Atlixco.  It was really interesting.  We visited a church that was on top of this really, really tall hill.  Ok, tall for the girl who has lived in MS or Texas most of her life.  Probably not tall for most people.  It took us about hour to walk up.  I was incredibly tired....Although I´m probably floja (lazy).  We got a lot of good pictures, including some pictures of the volcano.  That was nice.  It is hard to see through the clouds usually.
Then we came back and went through the market.  That was really neat, but I kinda ruined it for myself because I was starving and couldn´t  really enjoy it.  I did get some peanuts from the vendors that were really good.  I think they boiled them first and then roasted them?  Not sure, but they were blackened on the outside.  It was really interesting, but I was the only one that liked them.  I was also the only southerner in the group so that may have explained it.
We also got to go to a trout farm and eat fresh fish.  That was neat.  It looked a lot like the one in Branson, but maybe not as big...Was that fish farm in Branson or just near Branson?  We didn´t get home until about 10.
Sunday I went on an adventure to get a cell phone.  This was productive, I got one for $40 that was supposed to have $30 of airtime.  Somehow that failed and I ended up with only 2 phone calls and some texts to Sheri and then it quit working.  It also quit texting the one message before I was going to have sheri tell dan to call me at the house.  I got it fixed Monday morning so now I have a cell phone.  It costs $1 a call.  Which was very interesting to me.  It took a good five minutes for the salesgirl to explain "per call" to me.  It was pretty interesting   I think she was glad to have something to break up the day.  I was there about 30 minutes.  I can be on the phone for 3 hours or 20 minutes and it is the same price.  kinda cool huh?
However, the real adventure was not getting back to the house in a timely manner.  I thought I had taken the right bus...and truly I might have but not gotten off soon enough (I was standing and couldn´t see out the window).  I ended up 30 blocks south of where I was supposed to be and across a river I didn´t know existed.  I met a guy whose daughter spoke English and they told me to walk back to the busy street and take a cab because the directions were complicated.  I did get to see Mexican democracy in action cause I passed about 3 polling sites on my way. 
When I got to the house all I had was 100 pesos for a 30 peso cab ride.  I went inside for change, but didn´t have any so I just gave the guy the hundred.  He was really bothered by this and finally gave me a 20 back and we called it even.  So I paid $8 for a $3 cab ride.  however, it was so worth it.   I would not want to be stuck over there and not be able to get back.
More later...Check out my friend´s website from the school here.  She is a much more consistent blogger than I am.


Sher said...

Oh, Lynn...Don't write things like this on your blog. You will make mom worry.

~lynnie said...

Ok, mom, if you are worrying, I´m sorry. Really it wasn´t that big a deal. I knew *where* I was, I was just further away than I would want to walk back.