Tuesday, November 8

raising expectations

Our school just got some kind of insane grant to do High Schools that Work. It is a smaller learning community program. The kids will go to a freshman academy then will choose a major and stay in that academy till they graduate (they can swap majors if they like later one). Really neat idea. Great for the teachers cause you will teach the same kids and can keep track of them and help them out a lot. It really is very helpful to talk to other teachers about kids cause you can find out if it is just you or if they are slipping or if something is up with them.

We had to go to the faculty meeting today and hear everyone complain about how the students can't all take ap classes (should be up to 80% on a distinguished grad plan) and how we need an extra administator just to call parents and you can't help kids out if they just can't do it. I really hate faculty meetings that end up that way. The principal got frustrated and actually told the teachers that we are doing this next year and if they don't like it they need to let her know and she will get them transferred for next august...or even January. :) Lots of fun.

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