Friday, January 6

how much did you love school?

So, when you were in school did you ever show back up before you had to? I don't think in all my years of school I *ever* showed back up early...not even for some extracurricular thing.

Yesterday we are standing around talking. Bemoaning my friend who is leaving us to go to the old building and be our instructional specialist (same school, just not my right hand anymore). While my other friend may be going to an asst. principal somewhere.... I may just get left behind! Ok, back to the story, we are standing around talking and one of my 9th graders sticks his head in the window and waves. So Angela and I step out and talk to them.

"Guys, school doesn't start till Monday. What are you doing here?"
"Oh, really? Ooops. [sheepish grinning]"

The conversation ends with asking to use the computers, since they were up there. I told them no cause I had tons of stuff to do yesterday. Angela mentioned that she thought they might have just been up there to use the computers cause they had been bored all break. At first I thought, "Yeah, maybe," but then I remembered that one of the boys has a brother at our school...who didn't show up for school. This was all a ruse just to come and use the computer! Cute really. I kinda wish I could have let them if they were really *that* bored. I could have put them to work too, as it turned out.

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