Tuesday, January 17


Tonight my friend and I watched our soccer team play an away game at the high school near my house. We brought our blankets, hot chocolate and warm jackets...because we were prepared this time, no telling us about it 7th period.

When we were there we whiled our time away divying up our students as our children. One of our students has been my friend's son, mijo, for quite some time now. And she has all but decided who my son should be, but we have all these other spare children running around! So I think we are up to 4 1/2 a piece that we each claim. One set of brothers has three so we have dual custody to be fair. Apparently we shared a sancho or two along the way to have so many that are actually brothers!

Also, I have been on this kick lately telling my students, when they are whining too much, "Does it *look* like I care?" I know, it is the sarcastic side of me. One of the kiddos, mijo actually, asked me after school how to say it. He kept swapping the words, "Doesn't look it...." So we had to practice for a minute. We didn't work on the intonation so when he says it, it just comes out extremely rude. :) I am going to regret teaching him this; I can see it now.

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