Monday, February 13

10 things you may or may not know about me....

Idea courtesy of my sis :

1. I currently hold three masters' degrees. :) MA Theological Studies, MA Intercultural Studies, Union University, TN and MA Education, Teaching, UTA.

2. I always wished I could have played on a soccer team. My brother did, my sister even did for a year. I love soccer and I really think I could have done it. I've never even played in a pick-up game. Probably because I'm not much of an athelete.

3. I still consider myself a Mississippian, even though I haven't lived there in 5 1/2 years.

4. I had my belly button pierced in college. I never told my parents, though I think my mom knew. Guess she will now. :)

5. I am really naiive. I have to get stuff explained to me all the time. Today mijo was wearing a shirt (that I later made him change) that said "Dime vaquero" [Call me or Tell me Cowboy]. Two girls in my second period class had to explain it to me. We learned how to line dance to this song this summer at Billy Bob's so that is the only reason I think it clicked. I had to listen to it for about 20 minutes before I got what it was saying then.

6. I like languages, but am really bad at them. It is 'cause of the southern accent. I can never get the vowels right.

7. I have never had any sense about clothes. My sister had to approve my outfits in high school. It was such a joke among my friends that my roommate in college asked would she get the same priviledge when we moved in together.

8. I have never had a room to myself, always a roommate or a husband.

9. I am incredibly ticky about my computer and how things are set up. I don't like stuff to appear or disappear and I want everything just so. My computer is incredibly neat to contrast the room it sits in (both at home and school).

10. I listen to Casa 106.7. Started it because I wanted to know the same groups my kids do. Now I just really like it. I don't really have a "kind" of music, but I have always really liked hip-hop/rap/r&b. Music with some soul. However, I still can't dance.

1 comment:

Sher said...

I played soccer for TWO YEARS! My first year we placed 1st in state. My second year we placed 3rd. I was on good teams! I would have played longer, but mom never let me when Joey was little. He was too much of a handful and she wouldn't let me play any sports. By the time I convinced her to let me play, I only could get a couple of years in before my social life, friends, and boys took priority! That's why I was a soccer manager at FHS! *Sigh* Oh, the days in the soccer locker! Great memories!