Saturday, February 4

leftover phrases

Well, sorry I haven't posted in a while because I was only restored to a computer monitor (as opposed to the computer hooked up to the tv) today. My eyesight isn't really good enough to see the words on the TV screen so I was kinda avoiding using it much.

Yesterday I caught myself before saying something (I would like to point out how amazing that is, since I don't usually even realize what I said until much after it is actually said). My friend and I were standing around talking to our students. She asks if she was going to get her bag back from one of the students who had been carrying it around for her. He states that he had brought it to her from Mexico, so we come back by saying he can't just take things back.

I said, "Now, You don't want to be..." and stopped myself. Do you know what I was going to say?

I'm not entirely sure what the view of Indians is in Mexico, but I know that they talk about them and tease each other about being "indio" if they are dark-skinned. Regardless, it is a completely insensitive phrase that shouldn't be used. I *haven't* said it in who knows how long, but somehow that is what my brain pulled out at that moment to say.

My friend turns to me and smiles and says, "I know what you were going to say."

"yeah, but it is completely inappropriate. I stopped myself just in time."

"You're right. It is inappropriate."

Later we tried to figure out what the etomology of the phrase is, but we didn't come up with anything. So strike 1 for being culturally insensitive and 1 point for not letting more than one person hear me do it. :)

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