Sunday, April 23

First I'd like to thank...

First, I would like to thank TEA for all their wisdom in setting the week of TAKS testing the same as my birthday. This year, in all their wisdom, we were required to "actively monitor" the students taking their tests. This translates to pacing the room every 15 minutes to make sure they are cheating and watching them take a test. Gotta say that watching kids take a test is one bar above watching paint dry. . . . Prior years activities like sitting or reading a book were condoned as long as you kept an eye on the kids.

There were some proud moments. For instance on Thursday I was sitting there and gave every kid that finished a book/magazine/etc. By 10:30 I had 2 kids left testing and another 20 that were actually reading actively!!! I really wanted a picture of said spectacle, but my camera was with the phone, battery taken out and resting in an envelope on the white board so that it wouldn't ring and void student i'm sure that picture taking during the test is highly illegal. (j/k for those TEA checkers, I know that it is not legal. I would never do that to my kids, they want to graduate high school sometime this decade. Much less sign myself up for jail time and have my certificate pulled.)

But testing is over. Friday for my BIRTHDAY :) All my students came by to give me hugs (by all I mean I must have hugged a hundred kids on Friday). And my TAKS testing kids and 7th period sang to me. All very exciting. We have rescheduled my b'day party until Wednesday after school where we will have music and food for a fiesta grande. We are trying to get permission to be in the small cafeteria because we don't think there will be enough room in my classroom.

Dan got me a new digital camera for my b'day and mom and dad got me GPS system so i don't get lost so often. The combined joy of these was a lot of photos this weekend and an exciting trip to Wichita Falls.

Sheri & I at Joe T's for dinner Friday night.

Pictures of championship awards for the Volleyball dynasty of Windthorst, TX.
Do you people see this? This is not a McAlister's in Clinton or on Lakeland or in Oxford or anywhere else in MS. THIS is a Texas McAlister's Deli. Wow. We had muffelettas and a Spud Max and Sweet Tea. That was a good birthday surprise. I had even forgotten that there was a McAlister's in Wichita Falls, but Dan's keen eye spotted it out right away. Good birthday.

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