Wednesday, April 12

officially a teacher

According to Dan I'm now officially a teacher. Our house has been egged. We came home last night and the house smelled funny but we didn't think about it. He went outside and saw the egging just now. I think it was yesterday or the day before because we didn't smell it till last night, but he seems to think that it could have been any time. . . . but he is pretty mad because he is the one out there cleaning it so I don't really think he cared exactly *when* the egging occurred.

I don't really think it was one of my students because they don't really know where I live (though they could figure it out, I'm in the phone book). But who knows.


Sher said...

Ha! That's kinda funny! But at the same time, so not fun to clean up!

Sher said...
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